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I chose Active Super because their fees were so much lower than my previous fund. Plus, it’s an investment style that just makes more sense to me.

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Member since 2021

Uni student Luke is someone who likes to think ahead. Not only is he studying to be a physiotherapist, but he’s also done his homework when it comes to choosing a super fund.

Luke says he used to be with a well-known retail super fund. But when he compared fees, that’s when he decided to switch to Active Super. 

“When I looked into it, I chose Active Super because their fees were so much lower than my previous fund,” he says.

Fees can have a big impact on your super over time, potentially affecting your future balance by hundreds of thousands of dollars.   

Luke says Active Super’s commitment to responsible investing was another motivating factor.

“It’s an investment style that just makes more sense to me.”


Take an active role in your super and invest in a brighter future for everyone.