We’ve compiled these fact sheets to help you learn more about super and actively prepare for your best life after work.
fact sheets
Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan
Applying for a Salary Continuance Insurance (SCI) Benefit
Applying for a Terminal Illness Benefit
Applying for a Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Benefit
Claiming a death benefit
Centrelink concessions
Debt management
Family Law splits
The Family Law Act takes account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the parties involved.
Defined fees
Financial hardship and compassionate grounds
Glossary of investment terms
Hedge funds
How safe is your super?
Leave and termination payments
Long Service Leave and Salary Sacrifice
Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset (LISTO)
Managed Funds
Mobility transfer from State Super to either the Retirement or Defined Benefit Scheme
Nominating Beneficiaries
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.
Proof of identity
Retirement income streams
Spouse contributions
Statutory declaration authorised witnesses
The facts about investment risk
The facts about salary sacrifice
The facts about women and super
Voluntary Insurance
Make your super count
Thinking about adding to your super but don’t know where to begin? The good news is building your super can be simple, and even small things you do now to boost your super balance can reap rewards later.
Accumulation Scheme
Co-Contribution - Accumulation Scheme
Account-Based Pension Plan
Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan
Retirement Scheme
Benefit Points - Retirement Scheme
Concessional Contributions
Co-contribution - Retirement Scheme
Employer Financed Benefit Pension
Family Law in the Retirement Scheme
The Family Law Act now provides a mechanism for taking account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating property settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the two parties involved.
Nominating Beneficiaries
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.
Salary Reduction
Salary Sacrifice
Defined Benefit Scheme
Family Law in the Defined Benefit Scheme
The Family Law Act now provides a mechanism for taking account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating property settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the two parties involved.
Co-Contribution - Defined Benefit Scheme
Nominating Beneficiaries
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.
Salary Sacrifice for Defined Benefit Scheme members
Concessional Contributions in the Defined Benefit Scheme