fact sheets

We’ve compiled these fact sheets to help you learn more about super and actively prepare for your best life after work.


Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan

The Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan is designed for Scheme members who have retired (or others who may qualify) and wish to invest all or part of their Active Super benefit to produce tax-effective retirement income.

Applying for a Salary Continuance Insurance (SCI) Benefit

This fact sheet provides information about how to apply for a SCI benefit.

Applying for a Terminal Illness Benefit

This fact sheet provides information about how to apply for a Terminal Illness benefit. 

Applying for a Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Benefit

This fact sheet provides information about how to apply for a TPD benefit.

Claiming a death benefit

The Trustee can only pay a death benefit according to the rules set down in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the Trust Deed of Active Super.

Centrelink concessions

Centrelink issues three types of concession and health care cards that provide a range of benefits to cardholders.

Debt management

In order to live comfortably in retirement, it is essential to reduce debt. For some individuals, this is easier said than done. This fact sheet attempts to assist you with achieving a debt-free future.

Family Law splits

(for Accumulation Scheme and Pension Plan members only, other members please check below)
The Family Law Act takes account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the parties involved.

Defined fees

Find out the definitions of the different fees. Not all fees apply to your Active Super account.

Financial hardship and compassionate grounds

This fact sheet provides information about how to apply for an early release of your super on financial hardship or compassionate grounds.

Glossary of investment terms

A short glossary of investment terms commonly used on this site

Hedge funds

Hedge Funds are often used to reduce overall portfolio risk as they manage investments designed to offset the potential losses of other investments. This fact sheet contains information on the types of hedge funds.

How safe is your super?

The security of members' superannuation is fundamental to Active Super.

Leave and termination payments

Termination payments may become payable as a result of cessation of employment for any reason with any one employer.

Long Service Leave and Salary Sacrifice

The Local Government (State) Award 2020 (‘the Award’) allows employees to receive some of their accrued long service leave as income, provided they salary sacrifice an equivalent amount into an Active Super account.

Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset (LISTO)

The low income superannuation tax offset (LISTO) scheme is a Federal Government initiative to help people earning less than $37,000 a year to save for their retirement.

Managed Funds

Investing in a managed fund allows you to pool your money with other investors. This will often enable you to invest in assets that may not ordinarily be available (for instance, international government bonds and shares).

Mobility transfer from State Super to either the Retirement or Defined Benefit Scheme

Information including who can apply, what members' rights are in their new scheme and how to apply. 

Nominating Beneficiaries

(for Accumulation Scheme and Pension Plan members only, other members please check below)
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.

Proof of identity

Providing proof of identity is necessary when applying for a payment, or may be requested from you when rolling money over between super funds.

Retirement income streams

Income streams are investments which provide regular income and capital payments to allow you to manage your ongoing living expenses.

Spouse contributions

You can make contributions to your spouse's super fund if they are under the age of 75.

Statutory declaration authorised witnesses

This fact sheet outlines who can witness a statutory declaration.

The facts about investment risk

We all take risks every day, most of them small, but we’re usually aware of the risks and we take precautions. And it’s the same with your investments.

The facts about salary sacrifice

Salary sacrifice is an agreed arrangement with your employer for you to receive part of your gross salary as a benefit rather than as a salary. The value of this benefit is paid from your gross salary, i.e. before tax.

The facts about women and super

When it comes to saving for retirement, women face a number of significant challenges, resulting in the average woman retiring with much less super than a man.

Voluntary Insurance

This fact sheet explains the features of Active Super's Voluntary Insurance cover and how you can apply for it.

Make your super count

Thinking about adding to your super but don’t know where to begin? The good news is building your super can be simple, and even small things you do now to boost your super balance can reap rewards later.

Accumulation Scheme

Co-Contribution - Accumulation Scheme

Find out if you’re eligible for the Government’s Super Co-contribution and how it may help you boost your retirement savings.

Account-Based Pension Plan

Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan

The Active Super Account-Based Pension Plan is designed for Scheme members who have retired (or others who may qualify) and wish to invest all or part of their Active Super benefit to produce tax-effective retirement income.

Retirement Scheme

Benefit Points - Retirement Scheme

As a member of the Retirement Scheme you are required to contribute between 1 – 9% of salary under your defined benefit obligations which in turn purchases benefit points. This fact sheet provides a general overview of how benefit points work.

Concessional Contributions

Caps apply to contributions made to your superannuation scheme for a financial year. Any super contributions made over the cap amount are subject to extra tax.

Co-contribution - Retirement Scheme

Find out if you’re eligible for the Government’s Super Co-contribution and how it may help you boost your retirement savings.

Employer Financed Benefit Pension

Any member of the Retirement Scheme who was previously a member of the Active Super Pension Fund or NSW Retirement Fund would have retained the option to receive a portion of their superannuation benefit as a pension.

Family Law in the Retirement Scheme

(for Retirement Scheme members only, other members please check above or below)
The Family Law Act now provides a mechanism for taking account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating property settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the two parties involved.

Nominating Beneficiaries

(for Retirement Scheme members only, other members please check above or below)
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.

Salary Reduction

A reduction in salary is often not something a person can control, so the Retirement Scheme rules contain a couple of options to protect members' benefits from being reduced in this way including crystallisation. This fact sheet explains those options.

Salary Sacrifice

Depending on your level of income, salary sacrifice can be a very tax-effective way to contribute to your superannuation.

Defined Benefit Scheme

Family Law in the Defined Benefit Scheme

(for Defined Benefit Scheme members only, other members please check above)
The Family Law Act now provides a mechanism for taking account of superannuation entitlements when negotiating property settlements resulting from marriage breakdowns and for the 'splitting' of those entitlements between the two parties involved.

Co-Contribution - Defined Benefit Scheme

Find out if you’re eligible for the Government’s Super Co-contribution and how it may help you boost your retirement savings.

Nominating Beneficiaries

(for Defined Benefit Scheme members only, other members please check above)
Nobody likes to think about what would happen when they die. For most people, superannuation is a significant asset, so it is important that you consider where it should be paid in the event of your death.

Salary Sacrifice for Defined Benefit Scheme members

What are your contribution options with salary sacrifice?

Concessional Contributions in the Defined Benefit Scheme

Caps apply to contributions made to your superannuation scheme for a financial year. Any super contributions made over the cap amount are subject to extra tax.